Update v1.4 - 10/06/2014
- Jun 10, 2014
- Updates
Tourmake is updated to 1.4 version bringing new features! Here are the most important:
- The most important new feature is the Multimedial Plugin, conceived for inserting multimedial contents inside your tours; it was already in the previous version but now it's definitive so you can use it in your works.
- The main updates made on the multimedial points are: the possibility to add new multimedial points inside your navigation menu through the customization; enhanced image resizing, YouTube video embedding, photogallery navigation; multimedial content now fits even the smaller displays, such as mobile devices ones; bug fixes.
- Now you can create a short link of your tour directly through New tour and Edit tour pages. So search engines will find your tours more easily and will become even more popular;
- You can choose the button text of the Points of Interest freely; moreover, it's possible to use a custom image, loaded by you, as the point marker, directly in the points of interest customization;
- German language;
- Various bug fixes.